Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do You Love Your Piano Teacher?

(FYI this is brittany posting this.)

So, I got dropped off for piano lessons at Sister Arnolds house. Brandon was just leaving, and he and Sister Arnold were talking about the Pioneer Trek. This is part of the conversation they had...

Sister Arnold: Well, don't forget to bear your testimony on Sunday.
Brandon: Yeah, I did that at EFY, too.
Sister Arnold: Good for you! See ya, Brandon.
Brandon: Love ya. Er, I mean, Love ya Brittany. Yeah.

Me and Sister Arnold laughed very hard. When we told Mom after my lesson, she said that Brandon didn't tell her about that. It must have slipped his mind, eh?


R.G. said...

If it helps, Brandon, I love her too! I still remember the razzing I got for calling my High School Principle "Daddy" Yep, Daddy. So, dad...I mean so sad.

Jenni said...

It's okay Brandon. I answered the phone, "Heavenly Father" one time. I also love Vicky too!

Arnolds said...

Definitely a funny highlight to my day!! Love you, Brandon!!

Victor and Annette said...

That is the funniest thing I have heard. I love it!