Well the day starts out like this...
Brittany needs at ride to the school by 8am so she can do a Show Choir practice until 11:30am. Paul and Brandon go to the Tempe Arts Jam and sing. Brandon with his Jaztecs Choir and Paul in his Corona Community Choir. They sing at 9:45 and 10:30am.
After singing, Paul drives over to the Stake Center to make sure his keys work to get in. He is in charge of a convert baptism at 2pm.
Heidi picks up Brittany from school at 11:30, drives her and a friend to the Tempe Arts Jam. They sing at 12:15, we leave once it's done.
Home again, Home again, Jiggety Jig.
Get all the kids ready for the baptism, leave by 1:40pm.
Enjoy the baptism of Mahinder Singh (he has only lived here for three months, he is from India). Mission Pres. Robert Craig did the baptism. Stack chairs, pick up paper, put hymn books away, leave.
Get home to Uncle Dave and Aunt Heidi sleeping in their rental car, in front of house. Sorry we made you wait:(
Welcome guests, wait for Paul to return from draining the font etc...
Visit with family and watch clips of American Idol, (Aunt Heidi is Paula Abdul's new stylist, just in the last month, she picks out her clothes and makes her as cute as ever!! GO HEIDI!)
4:00 Brittany goes with the beehive class to the stake center to make a video for a class activity, the ward BBQ is going on at the same time. We miss it:(
Eat dinner at 5pm
6:00 Brandon and Paul say good-bye to Dave and Heidi then go back to the high school were they have yet another concert at 7pm.
Heidi picks up Brittany at 6:30, drives her back home so she can watch the little kids while Heidi goes back to the high school to watch Brandon and Paul perform.
Brittany says good bye to the visiting family, baths the little kids and puts them to bed.
After the concert of great singing,(around 9:15p.m.)Brandon Paul and Heidi go to the store to get the food for a Sunday birthday dinner (it's Heidi's Birthday on Monday March 2).
The day is over once the food is put away. Yeah, That's a day in the life of the Steenhoek's. Don't you want to be like us????
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HEIDI! And what a Saturday, Heidi! You guys are crazybusy Steenhoeks!
You went private!! That's new! No wonder I wasn't picking up your new posts on my google reader! :)
Just reading about your Saturday made me tired! But lots of fun too.
Wow!! I'm exhausted after reading about your weekend.
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