Heidi had a Birthday! Yea!
Sunday night, Ma-Moo and Pa-Pa came over for a fun party. We all enjoyed a very yummy dinner of roast, potatoes, gravy and crescents. Once our tummies got hungry for dessert, we got out the cake and ice cream. Brittany worked for quite a while through the afternoon making a scratch, chocolate cake for Heidi. It was very delicious.
Ma-Moo and Pa-Pa then presented their gifts to Heidi. They gave her $50, and a very pretty matching necklace and earrings.
The next day, Heidi's actual birthday, Paul told the kids to let Heidi sleep in and everybody stayed nice and quiet while getting ready for school. Once Heidi woke up, she prepared for a fun girls lunch out with 11 of her good friends at Chipotle. YUM!
Once Brittany was supposed to be getting home from school, Heidi saw someone at the door, and opened it. Outside was a familiar postal lady.(hmmm, Heather Layton maybe?) She was wearing a blue "postal" shirt that read "Brittany's Postal Service". After signing a very official paper to clarify that Heidi was, in fact, Heidi, the Postal Lady handed her the box. Heidi read "To: Mom Love: Brittany Steenhoek" on the box, right as Brittany popped up. Inside the box was a pretty home-made (well, art-class-made) Indian Clay Plate!
That night, Paul got some In 'n Out burgers for a relaxing dinner, and Heidi got the rest of her presents. Paul got her a fun, red Cardinals shirt! Paul also got her a $25 gift card to Kohls. Yeah!
Fun fun!
She had a very very great birthday! :)
Great Post Brittany:)
Happy Birthday Heidi!
Happy Birthday Heidi...sorry it's sooo belated! Hope you had a great day.
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