I have had a lot of fun! All the girls are really nice and we are all good friends. There were eighteen girls throughout the whole season. I was in the top bracket (Top 6) the whole season, so I got to play every time!
Today we had a party after school with all the tennis girls. Since Barros Pizza is only a fifteen minute walk from Corona, we all walked over right after school. Our Coach treated us! Although she could be a stickler at times, she really was a great Coach and she was always treating us to nice things like McDonalds, new water jugs, and ice cream.
Here are a few cute pics with me and the team! (By the way... the reason I'm dressed as a cowgirl in a few of the pics is because we were allowed to wear our Halloween costumes today. And I'm a cowgirl. Or Jessie from Toy Story. Whichever works :))
Tania, Me, Anastasia, Shimoli, Travis (tennis boys team)
Hannah, Shimoli, Gabrielle
Yay for Tennis!!
Brittany, You are so cute!
Brittany...u look like a pro out there on the courts. It was a fun season. What's next?? US Open?
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