We did have a shopping cart which Paul thought very unnecessary since we had decided that we wouldn't be buying anything. We'll, I wanted one [shopping cart] for the shoe laces we needed to get for Aaron, and the belt for Brandon. Oh and remember that movie I wanted, lets get that too. Then Aaron told Paul how he really needed a pair of gloves for his hands. They get so cold on the way to school. (I drive him to school and it is about a 25 yard walk to the school building from the car drop off stop.) So in goes the gloves into the shopping cart.
Then it happens...
Aaron spots a playground ball. I had told him a few weeks ago that I'd try to get one so they could play 4 square in the back yard. (I thought I'd get one for Christmas..oh well) We put it into the shopping cart. We are buying a toy. The one thing we said we wouldn't...but...it is Black Friday.
As we check out, we got checked out by other shoppers. Our cart has two belts, a pair of gloves a movie and a MASSIVE playground ball. That's it. Nothing else. But the way people were looking out our shopping cart you would have thought we had gold. One older gray haired lady kept looking as she walked by, that she almost ran into another shopping cart. "It's just a playground ball!" Brittany and I were laughing. I guess we got the best toy of the day.
1 comment:
Sounds like a fun day. We avoided the stores altogether, we were up in the mountains, I really didn't mind at all. I love your back yard, you have to have a big red ball for 4 square. Looks like fun.
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