Here we are at the temple grounds of the Los Angeles Temple. Paul's parents were having their missionary farewell. All of his brothers and sisters were there with Families in tow.
Well...not all the family was there. Dan, the oldest brother was by himself. His family of 5 were unable to make it. Debra, a younger sister was there with only two children. Again, they couldn't make it. Other than that...this was the crowd we hung out with for two days.
On Saturday morning at 6 a.m. the kids who could did baptism's for the dead. It was Brittany's first time being able to go. Paul was able to do the baptism for both Brandon and Brittany. After that all the adults did a session in the temple. It was only 9:30 and a whole day ahead of us.
We next went to practice our singing for the Sacrament meeting program for Sunday. All the adults sang a song, Come thy fount of every blessing. All the kids sang, I hope they call me on a mission, and Love is spoken here.
After all the singing everyone jumped into cars and headed for In and Out Burgers. We ate at the park next to La Brea Tar Pits. Once done eating and running around we headed into the the museum. All the children loved it. The movies we watched, all the bones they saw and the smell of the tar pit outside...kept them all running from one place to the next.
As if that wasn't enough to do in one day. We went back to the temple apartments we were staying in, and changed into swim clothes for a swim party. Quite a few of the cousins were having birthday's and they wanted to have a party. So swimming it was, with a BBQ as well. I am not sure how many people we got into the small pool. But it did do the job of cooling everyone off.
Sunday morning was wonderful. Hank and Ada gave great talks. The music that was song sounded great. The breakfast buffet was FAB, the luncheon was filling as well. WE will all miss Grandma and Grandpa Steenhoek for the 18 months they will be gone in England serving the Lord. But we will be ever so grateful for all they have done for us, and they example they are to our family in every way!
We love you.
Just a side note...Thank you Heidi's mom, Connie for coming and helping Heidi to drive. We loved having you there...We love you.
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