Here we have Rachel and Aaron. They love to play in the back yard. They had a grand time yesterday pulling weeds. They were playing a "GAME" and that was part of the game. Paul and I couldn't have asked them to pull weeds, they would have cried and never done it. But because it was there idea, and a game at that, they had fun. I had to keep calling them in for dinner, they didn't want to stop. (The yard is full). After they ate, they were back at it again. It was all I could do to get them inside for P.J.'s and bed time snacks. You would have thought I was killing them the way they cried, and begged to stay outside to pull more weeds.
I'll I can say is..."Whatever".
That is funny. We sometimes actually pay the kids to pull weeds. But they don't get rich.:> Hope this game contiues until weed season is over.
what was the game? you left out some key details that could help us all :)
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