Now we'll see how long this next top tooth takes. School pictures are next week, and I'd love the full toothless smile. Cross your fingers.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The tooth is OUT!
Last month we went to the dentist and got a cleaning. All the kids did great. Then the doc told Aaron that his top two front adult teeth were in the x-ray and making their way down. So he needed to start wiggling his teeth. (We had to have his two front bottom teeth pulled out...we didn't want to go down that road again). So with much persuasion we got Aaron to wiggle his teeth. Last week the left top was so ready for the pulling. But wouldn't let me try, (yes, I bugged him every night for the last four days.) Finally this morning as Paul was getting them (Rachel and Aaron) in the car to go to school, Paul asked the question. Aaron was willing, only if it didn't hurt. Well the tooth was barely hanging the smallest of small parts. All Paul had to do was touch it really and it came out! YEAH! So he ran back in the house so we could take a picture. Because that's what we're all about...taking pictures.
Now we'll see how long this next top tooth takes. School pictures are next week, and I'd love the full toothless smile. Cross your fingers.
Now we'll see how long this next top tooth takes. School pictures are next week, and I'd love the full toothless smile. Cross your fingers.
Crazy Straw
This is what Brittany got for doing a great job at piano lessons. Sooo, she had to have a glass of milk and a cookie so she could use her "CRAZY STRAW".
She did her song with all the right movements, etc...So Mrs. Arnold let her pick a crazy staw as a reward. Way to go Brit!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
We were sitting in the family room watching America's Next Top Model. After that was over, Heidi wanted to watch Dr. 90210. Well, I had taped it on the other TV; the bigger screen. As she made her way with her box of Milk Chocolate Almond Clusters, she declared "Now this is the kind of exercise I LIKE!!!!"
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Round Three has begun...
It's Brittany's turn to be sick. Paul took her to the doctors this morning and got the good stuff. So we are waiting with baited breath to see when Rachel gets sick. I would say next week sometime. It's fun having four children that love to share.
Student of the Week
Our Rachel was student of the week, last week. (I am slow)
She made a poster with great care, to display in her classroom. She picked out some fav' things to share with the class. Yes, her Webkinz was one of them. Paul even went to class on Tuesday and gave a career talk. (Rachel loved the game he played with the whole class, her side of the class won.)
On Friday I went and had lunch with her. She was so excited to see me, it was so fun to see her face light up. What a doll she is. Love ya, Rach!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Here we go again!
Yep, We have more fever's and coughs going on. This time by another child. Aaron is the lucky winner. (This is a photo from his b-day) He woke up this morning with a fever that jumped up to 103*. I now know better then to sent him out the door to school to soon. We'll be visiting the doc and getting him drugged up. Let's hope it ends here. Two out of six is plenty of sickness, don't ya think?
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