The last Wednesday of summer has been declared the day of TENTS!
So today it was the last Wednesday before school starts...let the tent building begin!
The new room made it even better for building tents. The kitchen table chairs worked even better to hold all of the sheets.
The kids each had their own room to play in. They brought all of their fun things and thought that they were there to sleep for the night. But you know...we are mean parents and we made them clean up after dinner.
After a long day of playing Tent City, the toy room got all cleaned up and a new game was started. This one was; push the ottoman away and see who keeps standing. Aaron lost the last round. After the scream I headed into the toy room to see the blood. Off we went to the e.r.
Aaron was so brave. He never cried, or moved a muscle while the doctor gave him 3 stitches. What a soldier. He did better then Brandon did when he was 12 and got 4 stitches on his lip. Way to go Aaron. The only sad part was when he found out he had to have his stitches in for the first day of school. He didn't want anyone to laugh at him.
"Oh, what do you do in the summer time when all the world is green?
we make tents in the house, get stitches on our chin,
watch as our mother, cries.....
"Is that what you do?....So do I"